Is your thinning hair REALLY caused by genetics?

OR any of the other reasons you’ve been told your hair loss is hopeless?

The answer may be NO!

Even if both sides of your family have hair loss…

Even if you’ve been told your hair loss is something you’re just going to have to live with…

Whether you’re a man or a woman…

Now you could regrow a fuller, thicker head of hair… and keep it for life.

It’s all because of this hair-follicle-regenerating breakthrough…

In new clinical research, this breakthrough has been shown to help people regrow a staggering 75% more hair in just 30 days. *

So you could go from this….


This breakthrough works to regrow your hair even if everything else you’ve tried has failed you.

That’s because it targets hair growth where it STARTS… at your hair follicles.

As you may know, hair follicles are at the root of your hair.

Every strand of hair on your head is generated from a hair follicle.

And the health of your hair follicles determines whether you have a thick head of hair… or thinning hair. *

And that’s where this new research comes in…

Because science has uncovered 3 hair-follicle-crushing culprits that could be making your hair fall out…

And then they keep your hair from growing back.

That’s why, if you’ve tried other hair loss solutions and they didn’t work…

It could be because you had one or more of these 3 hidden culprits stopping your hair from growing back.

So you won’t get the results you expect…

Instead, any of these 3 culprits could make your hair continue to get thinner…

Your hairline could continue to recede…

And your balding spots could continue to grow bigger.

In spite of all the money and time and effort you pour into fighting your hair loss.

In fact, these 3 culprits could even make your TRANSPLANTED hair fall out.

So nothing works.

But this breakthrough can BLOCK these 3 culprits at the cellular level in your body.

And this could cause your hair follicles to reactivate… sprouting new hair like crazy.

Because science now shows your hair follicles aren’t dead – no matter what you’ve heard. *

Just imagine…

Now you could…

Stop hiding your thinning hair with a hat or powders or hair pieces…

Stop seeing wads of hair in your shower drain or in your hairbrush….

Stop being anxious that people can see through your efforts to cover up your hair loss…

Stop worrying that the opposite sex doesn’t find you attractive…

And stop feeling depressed or self-conscious.

Instead, a few weeks from now, you could look in the mirror…

And do a double take!

You can’t believe your eyes…

So, to be sure, you look at your head from every angle and with every mirror you own…

But it’s undeniable…

Your hair is growing in thick and healthy…

Filling in balding patches… the top of your head… your part… on the sides… and in the front.

And when you run your hands through your hair, there’s so much more to grab onto!

And you’re not the only one who sees the difference…

Suddenly your friends, family, neighbors, and co-workers are telling you how great you look…

Your spouse is giving you flirty glances…

And other members of opposite sex are checking you out too.

Your confidence is back 100%.

And here’s the kicker…

People might start asking what your secret is…

You see, this breakthrough is so powerful, your friends and family may not believe your newly thick head of hair is naturally yours.

It sounds too good to be true, right?

I was skeptical too.

But then I saw the science behind it.

And it’s ROCK SOLID.

That’s why I’m so excited to share this breakthrough with you today.

Hello, my name is Dr. Holly Lucille.

I’m a licensed naturopathic physician. You may know me from my appearances on The Dr. Oz Show and The Doctors.

Many of my patients suffer from hair loss.

And they try everything to regrow their hair… special shampoos… helmet-like devices… pills… topical drops and foams…

And while sometimes these things stop their hair loss… many of my patients find that their thinning hair doesn’t grow back.

So they feel hopeless… unattractive… and even less valued or respected by people.

What’s more, many of these hair loss solutions come with nasty side effects….

Like acne… problems in the bedroom… even CANCER… *


That’s why so many people shell out the big bucks for hair transplant surgery.

And they’re really serious about getting back a full head of hair. Or at least making the bald spots look less obvious. Because this surgery is usually NOT covered by insurance.

It’s all out of pocket.

And this is where it gets really sad…

Because only 39% of people who get hair transplants are happy with their results. *

Worse, so many people have botched surgeries…

These botch-jobs left them with ugly scars, new bald spots, and weird-looking “hair plugs” on their scalp.

When you see problems like these, it’s no wonder some people just give up…

After all, haven’t we all heard how hair loss is pretty much guaranteed by genetics or getting older?

Well, it turns out… that’s WRONG.

First, let’s bust open the genetics myth.

In a recent study, scientists looked at the genetics of 52,000 people. *

And while they did find genes linked to hair loss…

They didn’t just find ONE.

They found over 200!

And here’s where the “bald gene” myth blows up into smithereens…

Because the scientists found that the people with the MOST hair loss genes only experienced hair loss HALF the time!

So half of those people loaded up with “bald genes” didn’t experience ANY hair loss at all.

They went around sporting a full head of hair… even though their genes said they should be bald as a cue ball!

So it’s obvious genetics don’t doom you to thinning hair.

And before I talk about age, there’s another myth you may have heard.

That myth is that once your hair follicle hasn’t been growing hair for long enough, your hair follicle dies.

WRONG again!

Even if your hair fell out and didn’t regrow years ago, that hair follicle is still capable of growing hair.

That’s because most hair loss is what’s called non-scarring hair loss. *

That means there’s no scarring and permanent damage to the hair follicle.

Then there’s scarring hair loss. That’s caused by something like a serious burn or infection in your hair follicle.

Or it can be caused by a condition called cicatricial alopecia.

Cicatricial alopecia is a unique type of hair loss caused by inflammation beneath your scalp’s surface. This inflammation damages the hair follicle and replaces it with scar tissue. So the hair follicle can’t grow hair again… *

But most men and women have non-scarring hair loss. So your hair CAN regrow.

And then there’s the age myth…

And that myth is about to be SHATTERED….

You see, for decades doctors and scientists believed that hair loss was inevitable as you grow older.

That’s because they saw that the hair follicle itself becomes smaller and smaller over the years until it can’t produce hair anymore.

And they wrote it off to aging.

But even though 70% of men lose their hair as they grow older… what about the other 30%? *

Why do they hold on to their hair into their 80s, 90s, and beyond?

And with women it’s even more dramatic.

Because a whopping 45% of women experience ZERO hair thinning as they age. *

So if old age really guarantees you’ll lose your hair, then why are these other older people having ZERO hair loss?

Well, it turns out scientists have just discovered the REAL reason some people have thinning hair as they age… while others don’t.

It all boils down to hair-follicle-crushing culprit #1.

In a study published in the prestigious journal Science, researchers wanted to find out why hair follicles shrink as we age. *

So they looked closely at the hair follicles in older people with hair loss.

And they saw that the hair follicles were shrinking because of damaged “hair activator cells”.

It turns out, the hair follicle requires healthy “hair activator cells” to grow new hair.

But when these cells become damaged, the hair follicle shrinks and eventually stops growing new hair.

So what was damaging these “hair activator cells”?

The scientists decided to find out…

So they compared the damaged “hair activator cells” with healthy ones… and what they saw made their jaws drop…

They saw that every single damaged “hair activator cell” was lacking one essential protein.

This protein is called collagen 17A1. *

And this discovery about collagen makes complete sense. Because collagen is a building block of your hair follicles.

And it turns out your “hair activator cells” must have it… just like a plant must have water.

As we all know, if you don’t water a plant, it will wither and stop growing.

And that’s exactly what happens to collagen-deprived “hair activator cells”. They wither and stop growing hair.

What’s more, when the scientists increased the levels of collagen 17A1 in balding mice, the mice started regrowing abundant, healthy hair! *

That’s how important collagen 17A1 is for your hair.

But according to Scientific American, our collagen levels start declining as early as age 20… *

And by the age of 80, you’ve lost a staggering 75% of your collagen. *

So why are some people still able to hold on to their hair as they age?

It’s likely they do something that keeps their collagen levels at youthful levels as they grow older.

And it turns out, it’s easy for you to do too.

But it’s NOT taking a collagen supplement.

That would be nice, but it doesn’t work.

You may have taken collagen supplements yourself and wondered why your hair loss didn’t stop and your hair didn’t grow back.

Here’s the reason…

You see, the form of collagen that “feeds” your hair activator cells is the kind your body produces naturally.

That’s why your hair grew so fast when you were young.

Remember how you had to get a haircut every few weeks because it grew so fast?

That’s when your body was producing TONS of this type of collagen.

And you can do it again now too. Triggering your body’s natural collagen production to rejuvenate your hair activator cells.

All you have to do is borrow the secret of the world’s most famous lover…


As you may know, Casanova was a famous Italian adventurer.

And he’s most well-known for his womanizing. He’s also known for his thick, luxurious head of hair. *

And he had a secret for holding on to his hair…

It was one of his favorite foods…


According to the history books, Casanova ate 50 oysters every morning for breakfast. *

And now modern science shows why this oyster-packed diet was the reason behind Casanova’s full head of hair…

Because it turns out that oysters are loaded with zinc.

And research confirms that zinc is essential for your natural collagen production – the kind you had when you were young. *

But as you age, your zinc levels decline too. *

So low levels of zinc could be what’s making your collagen levels go down… and your hair fall out.

But if you get enough zinc, you could actually regenerate your shut-down hair follicles.

In a study, researchers gave 66 people with hair loss zinc every day for 3 months. *

And the researchers were amazed to see that 60% of the people taking zinc had ALL their hair grow back!

That’s right, 100% hair regrowth from this one nutrient!

But getting enough zinc in your diet can be hard. And expensive.

After all, a nice oyster appetizer is one thing…

But 50 oysters every morning is another.

And taking a zinc supplement can backfire.

Because if you get TOO much zinc, you could suffer from some awful side effects like diarrhea, headaches, and vomiting. *

That’s why you need to take the exact right dosage of zinc.

I’m going to tell you exactly how to get that dosage in a moment…

But first, there are 2 other culprits that could be shutting down your hair follicles right now…

So even if you got the right amount of zinc, your hair could continue to shed and fail to regrow.

What’s more, this next follicle-crushing culprit has reached epidemic levels recently…

It may be why so many people are suffering from thinning hair today…

And it was just discovered by the scientists at Harvard Medical School…

Here’s what happened…

The scientists were looking at hair growth in mice… *

And they found a special protein that’s essential for your hair to regrow once it sheds naturally.

This protein is called GAS6.

And what GAS6 does is tell the “hair activator cells” in your hair follicle when it’s time to start growing a new hair strand. *

You see, each hair on your head has its own growth cycle.

First, your hair follicle goes into the growth or anagen phase.

This is when your hair is growing strong and long. And this growth period can last up to six years.

Then there’s the degeneration or catagen phase.

This is when your hair stops growing and the lower portion of your hair follicle temporarily shrinks. But your hair strand is still attached to your scalp.

Then finally, there’s the telogen phase. This is when your hair falls out to prepare for a new hair strand to grow.

That’s when this protein comes in and tells your “hair activator cells” to start growing another hair.

The Harvard scientists were excited to discover this vital hair growth protein….

But they still hadn’t figured out the mystery of why some of the mice who had plenty of this protein still went bald…

So they looked closer at the hair on the mice…

And that’s when they found this culprit…

This culprit was CRUSHING the hair growth protein, so it couldn’t communicate with your “hair activator cells”. *

And this kept the hair follicles on the balding mice in the telogen or dormant phase.

So your hair falls out, and then this culprit stops the process of the next hair growing in.

And this makes your hair get thin and patchy.

What’s more, when the scientists blocked this culprit, hair growth TRIPLED in the balding mice! *

Not only that, blocking this culprit also made the mice grow thick hair at ANY AGE. *

So no matter how old they were, they had youthful, healthy hair.

Meaning, what we call age-related hair loss could actually be caused by this one culprit.

So what is this culprit?


As you may know, cortisol is a stress hormone.

And the Harvard scientists saw that even SMALL amounts of cortisol can stop hair regrowth. *

They also found that the levels of cortisol that crush this hair growth protein are the same levels that come from chronic stress. *

Now, we’ve all heard that stress causes hair loss.

But the widely-held belief for years among doctors and scientists was that only HIGH levels of stress cause your hair to fall out. Major stressors like an infection or the loss of a loved one.

But this new discovery turns that assumption on its HEAD.

The Harvard scientists confirmed that ANY type of stress causes hair loss. Even everyday stress… like getting stuck in traffic.

And the longer you suffer from chronic stress that increases your cortisol levels, the worse your hair loss will be.

And your hair WON’T grow back until you lower your stress to reduce your cortisol levels.

But reducing stress is easier said than done.

Especially in these stressful times.

And while things like meditating and exercising may work wonders for your stress levels, it’s not always possible to find the time.

So the answer is to block cortisol directly.

Remember, it was by blocking cortisol that the Harvard scientists were able to get the balding mice to start growing hair again.

But it’s not easy to block cortisol in real life. We’re not mice in a lab, after all.

That’s why I started looking through the research, trying to find the best cortisol blocker…

And it soon became obvious that one solution stood head and shoulders above the rest…

It’s called ashwagandha.

Ashwagandha is a special kind of plant called an adaptogen.

As you may know, adaptogens have the unique power to calm you down when you feel stressed or anxious.

Adaptogens also have the ability to power up your energy when you’re tired. And help you sleep deeply at night.

That’s because adaptogens “hack” your stress response by balancing your hypothalamic, pituitary, and adrenal glands.

And ashwagandha is one of the most powerful adaptogens of all for blocking cortisol. So you can regrow your hair… and keep it for life.

In one study, researchers recruited 64 men and women with chronic stress and high levels of cortisol. *

Then, they gave the people either ashwagandha or a placebo for 45 days.

Result? Amazing!

The people taking ashwagandha saw their stress melt away…

And their cortisol levels go through the floor!

But can ashwagandha help you regrow your hair?

You bet!

In another study, scientists used ashwagandha on shut-down hair follicles in mice… *

And they were astonished to see the shut-down hair follicles reactivate and start sprouting hair!

In yet another study, people with hair loss who took ashwagandha saw their hair loss stop and their hairline, bald patches, and thin areas fill in with thick, healthy hair. *

So it’s clear that ashwaganda is the answer to blocking cortisol so you could put an end to hair loss.

But I wouldn’t stop there…

Because there’s still the final follicle-crushing culprit…

And this one is a doozy.

It’s the biggest culprit behind most hair loss…

And you may have heard of this culprit…

It’s a hormone called dihydrotestosterone or DHT.

DHT is a byproduct of testosterone, men’s primary sex hormone.

And DHT crushes the health of your hair follicles by binding to special receptors in your scalp.

These special receptors tell your hair follicles to shrink and shut down.

So your hair falls out… and doesn’t grow back in.

And if you think DHT has nothing to do with women’s hair loss because it’s created by testosterone, think again.

Because research shows even a tiny amount of DHT can crush your hair follicles.

And women’s bodies produce more than enough DHT to cause hair loss. *

So DHT is a big culprit behind both women’s and men’s hair loss.

That’s why blocking DHT is the key.

But here’s the problem…

Most popular DHT blockers come with side effects…

Like heart failure…

A low sex drive…

And even INCREASED hair loss! *

That’s why I’m so excited to tell you about a DHT blocker that has none of these problems…

It’s one of the most powerful DHT blockers found in nature…

It’s called Ju Zhong.

Ju Zhong is an herb that’s been used for centuries by ancient healers to increase sex drive, fight prostate problems, and aid digestion.

But Ju Zhong’s superpower is blocking DHT.

It works by blocking 5-alpha reductase, the enzyme that converts testosterone to DHT. *

Ju Zhong also stops DHT from binding to the receptors in your hair follicles that can make them shut down. *

So Ju Zhong is a double-whammy that makes your DHT levels plummet…

And keeps what little DHT is left in your body from damaging your hair follicles.

And this stops hair loss cold. It also helps you regrow your hair.

Here’s proof…

In a clinical trial, researchers gave 50 men with hair loss Ju Zhong. *

They also documented each man’s amount of hair loss at the start of the study.

And in just 4 weeks, they were stunned to see that the men taking Ju Zhong grew in thicker, stronger heads of hair.

But that’s just the beginning…

Because they went back and looked at the hair of the men 4 months later…

And the men had regrown 75% of their hair!

That’s astonishing.

Especially because the men had STOPPED taking Ju Zhong after 4 weeks.

So their hair growth continued to explode on its own!

And other studies continue to pour in showing how Ju Zhong stops hair loss… and helps you regrow a full head of hair. *

And here’s where it gets even more exciting…

Because if you ever struggle with stubborn belly fat… a low sex drive… or the blues…

Ju Zhong could be the solution you’ve been waiting for.

That’s because when Ju Zhong stops testosterone from being turned into DHT, it helps you maintain higher, more youthful levels of testosterone as you grow older. *

And higher testosterone levels in men AND women can help give you a leaner body minus the belly fat…

A raging libido to heat up your sex life…

And even a happier mood! *

When I saw all the science behind these 3 nutrients, I knew I had to get them to my patients and people like you.

So I reached out to a group of professional researchers and laboratories here in the US. It’s a group called PureHealth Research.

Working together, we created the world’s first formula with these 3 hair-follicle-reactivating ingredients that work together to help you regrow a healthy, thick head of hair.

It’s called ReGROW

ReGROW can work for everyone because it works at the cellular level to block the 3 culprits causing your hair follicles to shut down.

Giving you the exact right doses of…

Zinc to block the culprit that can crush your “hair activator cells” by restoring youthful collagen levels …

Ashwaganda to block hair-follicle destroying cortisol so your hair follicles don’t get stuck in their dormant phase…

And Ju Zhong to block DHT to keep it from binding to your hair follicles and shutting them down.

So even if you’ve been losing your hair for years…

Even if you’ve tried everything and nothing has worked…

And even if you’re certain you’re a “hopeless” case…

ReGROW could work for you.

But that’s not all…

Because we found a remarkable nutrient that SUPERCHARGES these ingredients…

It’s called Bioperine.

Bioperine is a patented and powerful extract of the nutrient, piperine, from black peppercorns.

And Bioperine works by increasing the bioavailability of nutrients. *

Increased bioavailability means your body is able to absorb more of each nutrient.

And this makes each nutrient work better…


So you could watch your hair grow in faster and fuller than you ever thought was possible.

How powerful is Bioperine?

Clinical studies show how Bioperine increases the strength of nutrients by up to 2,000%! *

So while each of these hair growth nutrients and Bioperine are potent on their own, combined together, they could become unstoppable…

Regenerating your hair follicles to regrow a thick mane of hair.

But don’t take my word for it…

Here’s what people just like you are saying about ReGROW

Suzanne B. raves…

“REGROW works. I had always had a thick head of hair, and since my early 50s when I became hypothyroid, I noticed my hair was thinning. It was more worrisome over the years as it seemed to get worse! So I researched on the Internet for a product that could fix my hair problem. You know where I am going with this... REGROW is the bomb and it worked for me in 3 weeks! I am now finishing my 2nd container and am so thrilled I am sharing it with my health coach clients and friends. I am grateful to Pure Health Research every day that they figured out a way to help thousands of men and women with their hair loss issues! Try it... you have nothing to lose and everything to gain!”

And Dennis V. says…

“So far so good! Although I’ve been using ReGROW for less than a month I see less hair going into the drain.”

And Antonine even sent us before and after photos…

“Love it! I used so many different vitamins for my hair and none of them worked. Then one day I found ReGROW that helped me with my bald spots. The first picture is before taking ReGROW. The second picture after two months of taking ReGROW. Thank you very much.”

And Caleb also sent us his before and after photos…

“After being sick I lost a good amount of my hair, and I was also stressed with college. This is my hair before and after. I have been using ReGROW for almost 2 months.”

Those are incredible results...

And more success stories just like these continue to pour in every day.

But your experience is what matters most.

That’s why I recommend you give ReGROW a try and see for yourself.

Even better, now is the absolute best time to try it.

You see, the only way to get this life-changing combination of ingredients in ReGROW

…is through this presentation. Right here, right now.

ReGROW isn’t sold in any stores or pharmacies. And it never will be.

You see, this way we have NO storefront overhead to shell out.

And we have NO middleman to get his cut.

That’s why we can send you our high-quality products made with premium ingredients straight to your front door… at wholesale prices!

This way, everyone can afford this life-changing breakthrough. So you can say goodbye to thinning hair.

Now, you’re probably wondering… how much does this wonder remedy cost?

Well, you’re going to be thrilled.

Because ReGROW costs just pennies.

That’s right.

So you’re not going to pay hundreds for it. You’re not even going to pay $100 for it.

Right now, you can get your first bottle for just $49, that’s just $1.63 per day for a 30 day supply!

That’s about what you’d pay for a pack of gum.

And you can save EVEN MORE by selecting a 3 or 6 month supply at checkout. Which is the smart move… and costs just $1.40 a day!

And this is a groundbreaking formula. There’s nothing else like it.

But because ReGROW has such a unique blend of premium ingredients—it takes us a long time to make it.

And in these uncertain times, shortages are becoming commonplace.

So unfortunately supplies of ReGROW are limited…

We try our best, but exclusive formulas can go fast.

And with a breakthrough hair loss solution like ReGROW, at such a shockingly reasonable price—we expect it could go even faster.

That’s why it’s wise to order the largest supply now while you still can.

So click below now to secure your supply while it’s still available.

Let’s do it this way…

Go ahead and click the button underneath this video…

When you click the button, you will be taken to a secure checkout page.

This checkout page is completely secure because we use an encrypted merchant account with the same high level security as websites like Walmart and

So you can enjoy peace of mind knowing that your information is 100% safe.

On that secure page simply tell me where to send your supply of ReGROW and enter your payment info.

Then, in a few days, a plain box will arrive on your doorstep…

Open it, take out your first bottle, and start taking it right away.

Then see how after a few weeks you’re…

Looking in the mirror and being thrilled to see your hair filling in…

Realizing you don’t need a hat or anything else to hide your hair loss…

And feeling confident and proud about the way you look again.

And you’re not the only one who’s noticing how you look…

Because your friends and family are giving you tons of compliments… and trying to find out what your secret is.

And when you tell them it’s all YOUR natural hair, the amazed look on their faces is priceless.

But a word of warning…

Because your spouse might get a little jealous…

You see, you’re probably going to get some attention from the opposite sex…

After all, you’re looking great… and younger too.

Best of all, you don’t have to worry about hair loss ever again.

Instead, you could be spending all that time and energy having fun socializing…

Enjoying your favorite hobbies…

…and checking off items on your bucket list!

It’s all possible thanks to ReGROW.

Now it’s time for you to make a choice...

You can continue along the same path you’re on today….

… continue to watch your hair loss get worse…

Or you can make the decision to try out ReGROW.

For just pennies a day, this amazing breakthrough reactivates your hair follicles so your hair grows in strong and healthy.

With ReGROW, you can make embarrassing hair loss a thing of the past…

So you can get back to living life to the fullest!

And if you’ve watched this presentation this far, it shows how important regrowing your hair is to you. So I hope you’ll choose option #2.

Remember, when you try this breakthrough today you’ll get the biggest savings that will ever be offered.

Just click the link below to place your order now.

What’s more, I’m so confident you’re going to love this hair regrowth breakthrough, I want you to try ReGROW with ZERO risk.

That’s right…

You get much more than just 30 days or 90 days to try it… you get a FULL YEAR to decide!

Either you LOVE it…

….or you get every penny back.

Just send us an email within the next year and you'll get a prompt and courteous refund of every penny you paid.

No questions, no hassles. Just a big “thank you!” for giving ReGROW a try….

So there’s absolutely no risk when you say “yes” and order today.

You have nothing to lose – and a full, attractive head of hair to gain.

And there’s also something else you’ll get when you take action now…

Because when you try ReGROW today, I’m also going to give you two FREE Bonus eBooks.

The first one is called “5 Worst Products For Your Hair”

Inside you’ll discover 5 hair products that can contribute to hair loss and make your hair dry and brittle…

Helping you avoid them for healthier, shinier, softer hair!

This eBook is worth $39.95… and it’s yours FREE.

The second eBook is also worth $39.95. It’s called…

“7 Ways To Naturally Regulate Hair Loss Hormones”

If you have hair loss, it’s likely your hair-supporting hormones are out of balance…

That’s why you need to find out about these 7 ways to restore healthy levels of these hormones to put an end to thinning hair.

That’s $79.90 in FREE gifts when you try ReGROW today.

And these bonuses are yours to keep whatever you decide.

There will be no further cost or obligation. This way you risk nothing.

When you try this breakthrough today, you’ll get the biggest savings that will ever be offered.

And no matter what you decide, you’ll have a full 365 days to try ReGROW for yourself.

But because of limited supplies, we’re likely to sell out fast.

And if you put it off, we may not have any more in stock until we get the next batch in.

So give ReGROW a risk-free try today.

You’ll be so glad you did. And that’s a promise…

Thanks for watching, I’m Dr. Holly.

Click the button below to secure your supply of ReGROW now.